✆ Reserve a table +492682259
After a personal welcome by Daniela Wortelkamp, several guestrooms offer an ideal venue in a relaxed atmosphere – be it for lunch, a glass of wine or an extended menu in the evening hours. Our wine menu consists of an exquisite selection of German, Italian and French wines, as well as selected spirits and champagnes.

Our restaurant opening hours:
Monday, Thursday and Friday
Evening: 18.00 to 21.00
Saturday and Sunday
Lunch: 12.00 to 14.00
Evening: 18.00 to 21.00
Restaurant rest days:
Tuesday and Wednesday full day and
The Phillipsgewölbe is the ideal place to finish your meal with a digestive, coffee, or espresso in a relaxed atmosphere. Or have a cigarette if you like. If you enjoy smoking and do not want to miss out on your ‘guilty pleasure’ during your meal, the Phillipsgewölbe is the place for you.

Our kitchen both profits from the region’s seasonal culinary selection and our chef cook’s years of experience. In his years of travel through the Provence, England, Baden and Franconia our distinguished chef Markus Wortelkamp expanded his culinary horizons.
Fresh venison from the Hatzfeldtschen Forests cheese from the upper Westerwald, fruit from the orchards of the Westerwald and herbs from our own garden are the ingredients for our large variety of dishes and the building block for a varied, honest kitchen. But see for yourself – have a look at our menu.